Rev. Laura’s poetry helps us to perceive the world around us, to perceive the events of our daily lives, in new ways. We learn to recognize the sacred dimension that is always present, both in our most profound experiences and in those seemingly mundane moments that we otherwise might overlook. Her poetry is liturgy in which the distinction between the religious and secular finally disappears, much to our great relief.
—Rev. John Monroe, from the Unitarian Universalist tradition
Laura’s poems invite us, in a hundred different ways, to look with new eyes on ourselves and our particular place in this fractured, gorgeous world. Her writing serves as a primary text for my ministry as a healthcare chaplain. My patients and colleagues across the religious spectrum have, again and again, found recognition and deep connection in Laura’s words. I meditate and pray through her words, finding the comfort of a kindred spirit and a gifted pastoral presence. May these words sustain and inspire others, as they have sustained and inspired me.
—Rev. Katherine Henderson, Chaplain, Duke University Hospital
Laura Martin is a poet, mystic, prophet, and theologian. These poems are elegant contemporaneous Psalms. They celebrate when God shows up and protest when God is absent. They invite faith, inject hope, and generate love by bringing the Divine home. In inspirational words and artistic images, God becomes entangled in our messiness with a caring eye on nature, beasts, strangers, the weak, weepers, the meek, and kingdom seekers.
—Sathianathan “Sathi” Clarke, Interim Dean and Bishop Sundo Kim Chair of World Christianity, Wesley Theological Student, Washington D.C.